Visual Studio 2017 For Mac Build For Windows

  1. Visual Studio 2017 For Mac
  2. Visual Studio 2017 For Mac Terminal Window
Active3 years, 6 months ago

Apr 24, 2017  The Visual Studio for MAC is still a preview. MSBuild on non-Windows is not yet ready to serve such tasks. Below method isn't perfect solution but you can try use it to resolve this error. Can I add a MacOS project in visual studio 2017 for windows? I know you can not build your Xamairn.Mac application on Windows, as building a bundle requires invoking the native toolchain (clang, ibtool, etc) that is macOS only. There is very limited support for building macOS Modern libraries, mostly for cross platform nuget use cases, so I.

Hello good day everyone,

I would just like to ask if it is possible to run C# windows form applications in mac, developed using microsoft visual studio in a microsoft operating system? :D what would be needed? is it free or do i have to purchase it?

thank you. :D


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6 Answers

Visual Studio 2017 For Mac

Yes, it is possible. For example, you can use Mono.

Tuyen PhamTuyen Pham
4,87110 gold badges44 silver badges85 bronze badges

The .Net Core is cross platform though it doesn't include winform (maybe it will in the future) or Wpf (definitely won't be cross platform in future).

You can use Xamarin Studio and Mono to make a winform app for mac, though if you want to to use Visual Studio buy Xamarin business license for VS support or make a XNA or a web app. See my answer here .net core for linux and mac for more info.

Jeremy ThompsonJeremy Thompson
42.2k13 gold badges116 silver badges217 bronze badges

I've used Xamarin and GTK#, as well as Xamarin for code-behind and XCode for forms design. They both work pretty decently with C# for code-behind stuff.


Just keep in mind that GTK# looks quite clunky and dated when you put it next to a native Mac application.

On the other hand, the object framework for XCode forms (yeah, I know I'm not using the 'correct' terminology...) presents a bit of a learning curve, but isn't terribly hard, and Xamarin did a sweet job of integrating the object model into C#, so between the Apple documentation and what Xamarin provides, and er.. from StackOverflow itself, you should be able to produce some neat-looking apps.

13.4k7 gold badges43 silver badges79 bronze badges

Wine is capable of running some winforms-based Windows applications on Mac OSX. When it works as intended, all you have to do is install Wine on the Mac, and then it can run your exe. Of course this won't always work perfectly, and it won't have the polish of a native Mac app, but for simpler Winforms apps it should work.


You might be able to cross-compile using Mono.


This is not possible. C# winform applications can only run on Windows.

Vivek VermaVivek Verma

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Visual Studio 2017 For Mac Build For Windows-->

| Developer Community |System Requirements |Compatibility |Distributable Code |Xamarin |Blogs |Servicing |

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac contains many new and exciting features and IDE productivity enhancements tosupport cross-platform desktop app development, cross-platform mobile development, Azure development, web and cloud development,and more. To try out Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, see the Downloads page.For more information about everything that's new in this release, see theVisual Studio 2017 for Mac release notes.

System Requirements

For information on the system requirements for installing and running the Visual Studio 2017 for Mac family of products, see the Visual Studio 2017 for Mac System Requirement page.

Visual Studio 2017 For Mac Terminal Window

Platform Targeting

Visual Studio for Mac provides cutting-edge tools and technologies to create apps that take advantage of thelatest platform capabilities, for macOS, Android, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS, as well as web sites, services, and games.

Feature Summary

  • Mobile app development
    • Share code between Android and iOS with Xamarin
    • Native iOS and Android UI designers
    • Shared UI with Xamarin.Forms
    • Protect Android code with Embedded Assemblies
    • Visualize and debug apps with Xamarin Inspector *
    • Profile your apps with Xamarin Profiler *
  • Cross-platform 'desktop' development
    • macOS app development
    • .NET Core development
  • Web application development
    • ASP.NET Core development
    • HTML, CSS, JSON web editor tooling
  • Cloud development
    • ASP.NET Core WebAPI development
    • Publish ASP.NET Core projects to Azure directly from the IDE
  • Game development
    • Unity game development

* Requires Visual Studio for Mac Enterprise

Visual Studio for Mac does not support Windows client projects like Windows Forms, WPF, or UWP.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac Support for Android Development

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac enables you to build native Android apps using Xamarin and C#. You can use Unity to build Android games.

You can use the Android SDK Manager to easily obtain the Android SDK and Android API levels.You can download additional API levels separately using the Android SDK Manager.

For more information, see Android development with Visual Studio for Mac.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac Support for iOS Development

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac enables you to build native iOS apps using Xamarin and C#. You can use Unity to build iOS games.

For more information, see iOS development with Visual Studio for Mac.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac Support for macOS/OS X Development

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac enables you to build console applications and Cocoa (desktop) applications for macOS.

For more information, see macOS development with Visual Studio for Mac.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac Support for ASP.NET Core Development

ASP.NET Core is an open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud based internet connected applications, such as web apps and services, IoT apps, and mobile backends.

ASP.NET Core apps can be developed and debugged using Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, including the server-side code as well as client side HTML, CSS, and Javascript. They can be hosted on Windows, macOS, or Linux.

For more information, see .NET Core and to get started follow this hands-on lab.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac Support for Unity Game Development

Visual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity is a free Visual Studio extension that turns Visual Studio for Mac into a powerful tool for developing cross-platform games and apps with the Unity platform.

For more information, see Visual Studio Tools for Unity and to get started follow this hands-on lab.

Other Platforms and Technologies

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac also supports the following platforms and technologies. For more information, see

Visual Studio 2017 For Mac Build For Windows
  • .NET Core 1.1. For more information see
  • F#
  • Web Development HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript

Feedback and Suggestions

Use the Provide a Suggestion link on the welcome page in Visual Studio for Mac, or visit Visual Studio for Mac's UserVoice page directly. From here you can add new requests or vote on existing ideas. To report a problem, follow these instructions.

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