R Studio For Mac

When was the last time you update your R and RStudio?

  1. Install R Studio For Mac
  2. R Studio For Mac Os
  3. Update R Studio For Mac
  4. R Studio For Mac 10.10.5
  5. R-studio For Mac Serial
  6. R Studio For Macbook Air
  7. Download R-studio For Mac

I installed RStudio and R a year ago, and never update it since then. Today I just noticed I cannot install new R packages because of my old R version. So I explore some ways to update R and would like to share with someone who is also looking to update R on RStudio.

The problem

RStudio and R cannot update on their own because some packages may not work after switching to the new version (You can still downgrade R version in RStudio if something went wrong though). After you install the new version, the previously installed packages will not go to next version. So it is required extra procedures to move the packages.

Here are 3 ways you can update R version in RStudio. Note that we need to move the install R packages, which I will show how at the end.

3 Solutions to update R on RStudio

Solution 1) Manually install (Recommended if you don't care about the old packages)

The first method is to download a new version of R from R website > CRAN. Then restart your RStudio. The new R version will be loaded automatically.

  • R-Studio is a data recovery utility available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. It can recover files on local disks, even if their partition structures are damaged. It also works with removable devices like DVDs, memory cards or USB flash drives.
  • R-Studio 6.1.5347 - Powerful data recovery, RAID and dynamic disks supported. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update R-Studio for Mac from MacUpdate.

Video created by Johns Hopkins University for the course 'R Programming'. This week covers the basics to get you started up with R. The Background Materials lesson contains information about course mechanics and some videos on installing R.

The new R version appear right after I install R and restart RStudio

Update 29/05/2019: For Mac users, solution 3 is too painful and not working well for me. This method is fast and working well. I would recommend to save your time from headache and use this method. Take note of your previous packages so you can install them again as needed.

Install R Studio For Mac

Solution 2) Windows only – use installr

installr is the R package which helps install and update software.

The R code you will need for updating R is: (credit goes to Cara Wogsland for the code)




You can find the tutorial on how to use installr to update RStudio on R-Statistics website.

Solution 3) Mac only – use updateR

Similar to installr, updateR is the package to help updating R on Mac OS.

The R code you will need is these 5 lines: (credit goes to jroberayalas for the code)

install.packages('devtools') #assuming it is not already installed




updateR(admin_password = 'Admin user password')

You can find in-depth tutorial on how to use updateR package on this blog.

How to move the previously installed R packages

This is the instructions for Mac OS user (who used solution 1 or 3 above). For Windows user, installr package will do this for you

(credit goes to RyanStochastic and micstr):

1. Move all folders from your old R version to new R version.


Replace x.xx with the old and new R version at a time.

Note that you have to move only the packages that are not currently in the destination folder (because those are the base packages, and you don’t want to ruin them). But if you already did replaced everything, the next step will solve this for you.

If you cannot find the proper path, you can run this command to check: installed.packages()

2. Update the moved packages

Run the following command in R. Type ‘y’ for every question that popped up.



3. Type the following command in R to check if everything went well



That’s it! Hope you guys success in updating R. If not, please check in the reference link below.

References: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13656699/update-r-using-rstudio

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management.

How to Install R Studio

In order to run R and R-studio on your system, you need to follow the following three steps in the same order.
  1. Install R
  2. Install R-Studio
  3. Install R-Packages (If needed)

1. Install R

Follow the steps below with respect to the operating system you are using

For Windows :

  1. Download the binary setup file for R from the following link.( R for Windows )
  2. Open the downloaded .exe file and Install R

R Studio For Mac Os

For Mac :
  1. Download the appropriate version of .pkg file form the following link. ( R for Mac )
  2. Open the downloaded .pkg file and Install R

Update R Studio For Mac

For Linux :
  1. For complete R System installation in Linux, follow the instructions on the following link ( Link )
  2. For Ubuntu with Apt-get installed, execute sudo apt-get install r-base in terminal.
R studio for machine learning

R Studio For Mac 10.10.5

2. Install R Studio

On the following link Download R Studio choose the appropriate installer file for your operating system, download it and then run it to install R-studio.

3. Install the packages (Optional)

If your need to use R requires a particular package/library to be installed in R-studio. You can follow the instructions below to do so

R-studio For Mac Serial

R Studio For Macbook Air

  1. Run R studio
  2. Click on the Packages tab in the bottom-right section and then click on install. The following dialog box will appear
  3. In the Install Packages dialog, write the package name you want to install under the Packages field and then click install. This will install the package you searched for or give you a list of matching package based on your package text.

Download R-studio For Mac

This completes the installation procedure for R Studio. If you want to continue with the Basic R tutorial click on the Basic Tutorial button in the left column.